Category Archives: Call Center

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I’m seeking a professional cold caller to reach out to large enterprises across various industries. The primary aim is to generate leads. Key Responsibilities: – Cold call selected enterprises. – Generate and qualify potential business leads… (Budget: $2 – $8 AUD, Jobs: Call Center, Leads, Marketing, Sales, Telemarketing)

Bahis şirketinde çalışmak üzere çağrı merkezi departmanına kadın personeller alınacaktır. Çağrı Merkezi personeli görev tanımı; markanın müşterilerini veya potansiyel müşterilerini bir bilgisayar üzerinden mikrofonlu kulaklık aracılığıyla arayarak satış yapmak veya ihtiyaçlarına destek sunmak… (Budget: $15 – $25 USD, Jobs: Call Center, Customer Service, Customer Support, Marketing Strategy, Telemarketing)

Descrição do Projeto: Minha página de vendas já está pronta, mas preciso de um freelancer experiente para fazer alguns ajustes e otimizações, além de oferecer suporte ao cliente via WhatsApp. O que preciso:… (Budget: $15 – $25 USD, Jobs: Call Center, HTML, Internet Marketing, Marketing, SEO)

I am looking for someone to cold call customers from a provided list of contacts. From these customers, you will ask questions from a 3 to 5-minute script we provide you. Your goal will be to find out… (Budget: $1500 – $3000 USD, Jobs: Call Center, Data Entry, Excel, Telemarketing, Telephone Handling)

The job will consist of connecting the cargo with the driver. Helping you to get the best pay and best trips. -Negotiation skills are needed -Part time initially for the first 3 months then full time with incremental benefits… (Budget: $30 – $250 USD, Jobs: Call Center, Excel)

